Who is holding your lever?

Who is holding your lever?

Yesterday I proposed a 28 day challenge for the month of February and promised details today.

I spent all day working on this idea (and setting up the 1,000,000 trees organization).

I know that I have suggested a lot of projects over the past two months. I know that they don't always seem related.

I have touched on this before, but in my mind it's all one thing.

This is an experiment in better living. This is the result of engaging with the process and pursuing truth, love, happiness, health, wealth, and general wellbeing to the best of our ability.

We want to eat well, sleep well, play with our kids, do important work, and have fun at every step along the way.

We want to make money, get control of our thought patterns, and engage in process philosophy.

We want to be clear about what we value and act in accordance with those values.

If we are doomed to be slaves to habits, we choose to form good habits and become their slaves.

We want to learn and grow and build and do and live and have fun.

Refining all this down into a challenge with a clear, consistent focus is a challenge in its own right.

Here's what I've come up with.

This is an exercise in taking control of your attention, directing it to the places that matter most to you, and creating leverage to maximize your impact.

This is an adventure in effectiveness.

This is an experiment in disrupting the status quo and reaching for the things you most want.

In order to achieve these things, the first week we'll focus on three main areas:

  1. Clarifying values and setting at least one big goal that excites you.
  2. Digital Detox procedures.
  3. Developing an attention management plan, drawing inspiration from time blocking and pomodoro.

The challenge will involve picking a keystone habit to follow and aiming to do it every day. We will all be using Jerry Seinfeld's Don't Break the Chain methodology for this.

The habit should be aligned with the big, exciting goal you decide to reach for.

Everyone will be picking their own habit and their own goals.

I don't care what you pick. You could aim to lose 20 pounds or write the stand up comedy routine you always dreamed of performing. You could spend more time visiting with friends or take more time to achieve inner peace through rest, reading, and meditation.

All that matters is that the goal is exciting and aligned with the things you value most.

28 days to take massive action in whatever area of your life will make you feel the best to make progress in.

One of my jobs will be "consumption". If you sign up, my job is to make sure that you actually follow through and do the thing you set out to do.

For that reason, the challenge will have rules. There will be daily activities, and every one who participates has to complete them.

There will be group accountability. I haven't decided the best way to do this yet, but we'll get something figured out that will allow us all to share a daily update.

I'd like to make it clear that this is not an anti-technology challenge.

This is bigger than technology, but part of this challenge is to change our relationship with technology so that we are in control of our own thoughts.

Right now, AI is being used to leverage human attention.

The question is, who is holding your lever?

I say we take hold of the reins.

That's all I have time for today.

I'm excited for all of this.

I'm excited by how many people reached out to say that they were excited.

I will be happy if even one person engages with me and gets a good result.

I hope to have a more formal way to sign up ready by tomorrow.

More news on the tree front is also on it's way.

Big things are happening.

Life is good!