Welcome to Still Wagon Rewilding...

Welcome to Still Wagon Rewilding...

I would like to take a minute and just say that I am very grateful that you are here reading this. Yes, I mean you.

This is not an easy thing for me to be doing. I am doing my best to over come my resistance. I want to over come the resistance because I feel like there is an important conversation to be had about how we can design a better life for us moving forward.

When I was little, one of my dominant thoughts went something like:

Why do so many people do things that make no sense at all? Why do so many people sign up for a program that is making them poor and unhappy?

Back then, I dealt with my confusion about people by slipping away into nature, either in real life or in books. As a kid, the coolest thing in the world to me was the rain forest. It still is.

What would be cooler than a voyage down the Amazon? Nothing!

Wait a minute.

There is something that would be at least equally cool. It would be equally cool to create a community of people happily living in harmony with nature and building true generational wealth through the abundance that nature provides. A community of happy people living in abundant, beautiful spaces.

That’s my vision for a better world. Communities of happy people living in abundant, beautiful spaces. You may call me a dreamer…

But I don’t think it’s so crazy of a thing to fight for.

And if there were ever something worth fighting for, surely this would be it. Most people fight their Resistance to make themselves wake up and go work for the man every day. I’m inviting you to wake up and fight your Resistance to work for yourself.

Fight to live the very best life that you can.

Fight to be happy,

Fight to be healthy.

Fight to feel good, every single day.

Fight for good food, raised well.

Fight for the wilderness.

Fight for harmony and balance.

Fight for wealth.

Fight for the commons.

Fight for the common wealth and your Seventh Generation!

This is a rallying call to co-create a world where we can all happily live together in harmony with nature while eating well and building generational wealth.

Can you think of anything else more worth fighting than this?

Here’s the thing.

In order to be successful, we're going to need to forge new ways of thinking - new paradigms - within our own minds.

And as part of that, we're going to need to completely rethink our relationship with the natural world.

We have over-extracted, over-cultivated, and over-harvested for too long. The earth has been good to us, and its time for us to give back. It will be in our best interest.

The good news is there is a clear path forward. That doesn't mean its an easy one.

Our plan is to help bushwhack it.

And have a lot of fun along the way.

So that’s what we’re doing. We're leading people into the wilderness, both figuratively and literally.

We’re going to build something cool.

Follow along. Join if you like. It's going to be great.

Life is good.

Next: What is Rewilding?