Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas
Some may say it's too late...

Twas the Night Before Christmas,

And all through the house...

Not a creature was stirring,

Not even...


Dad still had work to do. Dad still had several things he needed to do, actually.

Some of these things had to wait until night time due to a confidentiality Claus.

Others could have been done at any time.

I didn't plan on not writing. I just planned on writing next.

Next turned out to be sleeping because my body stepped in and took the reins for a while.

All the rituals I started the challenge with were shot down in flames a few days ago. I could make some excuses about why that has been the case, but those excuses wouldn't be very interesting.

I'd rather just focus on the lesson on the value of ritual. How ritual, when followed, has empowered me to get more out of my days.

How the absense of rituals - especially the non writing ones that were the focus of all this when I started - has left me feeling lost.

There may also be a lesson in all this on rest.

Some things to ponder, anyway.

There are places in the world where it is still December 24. Santa is still busy at his work.

I'll give myself a pass. No sense crying over spilt milk.

Merry Christmas!

Life is good.