Too late.

Too late.

Good evening!

I have a short thought to share tonight.

Don't let Resistance stop you from doing the things you want to do.

You are not too late.

You are not too old.

You are not too poor.

You are not too fat.

You are not too busy.

There is nothing wrong with you.

You are in the drivers seat.

You will wake up tomorrow with new momentum.

You can choose to think different thoughts.

You can choose to think thoughts that lead to new actions.

You can choose to do difficult things.

Is it hard to overcome habits as an adult? You bet!

Is it worth trying to do?

I think so, if it makes you feel better.

The flip side is that if you don't feel bad, don't tell yourself that you need to start feeling bad just because someone else has a different idea of what constitutes the good life.

If you are feeling called to do something but there is a voice telling you that it won't work, that voice is Resistance.

That voice is fear.

I'll be a hypocrite and recommend some more information for you.

Read the book "Who Moved My Cheese?".

The book is very short and easy, yet packs a good punch.

That's all for tonight. I thought I'd touch on this because some variation on the above ideas have been a common theme in some discussions I've had recently.

I don't care what anyone does, other than I'd like to see everyone on the path of their greatest joy and happiness.

If that means getting back in the maze, then kick fear to the curb and start running.

Life is good.

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