Resistance is Patient

Resistance is Patient

One of Resistance's most powerful tools is patience.

From time to time, it is inevitable that inspiration will strike and we will overcome Resistance.

Resistance doesn't mind, because Resistance knows how fickle we are. Resistance waits for the moment when we prematurely declare victory - the moment when we start to take success for granted - then strikes with everything its got.

The war with Resistance is forever. We begin the battle new every day.

Forget this at your peril.

When we start to think that we have beaten Resistance, this is when Resistance will strike the hardest.

If you find yourself questioning why you even bothered to try, there is a good chance this is Resistance trying to pull you back to the status quo.

Don't let it.

Life is good.

P.S. For those of you that are relatively new here, this whole writing adventure started when I read a book called the War of Art by Steven Pressfield. I committed to a 90 day "bootcamp" meant to help me beat Resistance, and in most cases Resistance beat me.

The one exception, so far, has been the fact that I have showed up every single day for the past 89 days to write.

I've been reflecting on this whole process the last couple of days and rereading portions of the book, and tonight this is what came to mind. On many occassions over the past 3 months I have taken success in the mission for granted. I have forgotten why I decided to do it in the first place. I have questioned the point of this exercise. I have considered quitting, as recently as the last couple days.

In fact, another observation I would share is that Resistance often stikes hardest at the goal line. The worst place to let your guard down is when it seems impossible to fail.

Engage in the process every day.

Go buy the book if you haven't yet. I bought a bunch of extra copies so if you will see me any time soon just ask for one.

Here's the Amazon link:

Thrift Books is out of stock, partially my fault.

Thanks for following along.