Keep the Bull$h!t in the field!

Keep the Bull$h!t in the field!

Quick update:

This project is evolving quickly.

Mark has introduced me to a new tool called Obsidian that is helping me organize my thoughts better. I'm also excited about better ways to publish and distribute content than what I'm currently doing.

All the pieces are coming together. This is not visible from the outside yet, but from the inside looking out, I'm excited.

I'm excited to have fun.

I'm excited to implement the design processes we're using to engineer a productive, rewilded farm.

I'm excited to go on adventures and spend time with my kids.

I'm excited to see how this project continues to evolve. The past month feels like taking off boots weighed down with huge clods of mud. Suddenly we can move again.

I'm excited to bring more and more people into the organization. I think there is the potential to profitably employ a lot of people. I hope I am right.

As we do all this, it is important for us to stay principle centered. It is important to have our holistic context in mind at all times. It is important to be mindful of the where we're trying to go.

With that in mind, I think integrity is important in whatever you decide to do.

I think we need to start demanding more integrity from the people we deal with.

I don't think it is okay to be dishonest in order to get more attention or sales.

I don't like when I'm lied to about shipping times to try to get me to buy a special membership.

I don't like when food is covered with labels meant to make you think it is wholesome and good when it is not.

I don't like when I sign up for a "live" talk but then can increase the playback speed using an extension on my browser.

This type of behavior is taken for granted. Bullshit is everywhere.

I worked in "marketing" and business strategy for most of the last decade. To be more specific, I helped business owners with operational effectiveness and operational efficiency.

I've helped to design the backend "flow" for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

One of the reasons I took a hiatus from consulting was because of how standard this behavior was becoming. I needed a break to step back and reformulate the standards I wanted to hold myself and the businesses I work with to.

I wanted to get more specific about the processes to follow, the results that we'd aim at, and the people I want to serve.

We're getting close.

Maybe our tagline can be "Keep the bullshit in the field!"

Life is good.

P.S. "Bullshit is everywhere" is my all time favorite stand up bit. I should probably warn that it isn't for sensitive ears, but if you get offended easily I may recommend to watch even more. It's okay to laugh!