Forum: A Meeting Place to Share Ideas

Forum: A Meeting Place to Share Ideas
Our bus is one of the cooler things we've ever spent time on. We owe a lot to the online forum.

I'm thinking about setting up a forum for us to organize the challenge on.

I'm talking an old school message board style community space.

The cool thing about forums is that they are structured around group conversation.

Many of my favorite spaces on the internet have been forums where people get together to talk about specific topics.

One of my favorites is This is a forum dedicated to all things bus conversions. It is awesome.

That forum is such a source of help and inspiration that I don't think it's exagerating to say we wouldn't have gotten our bus done without it. I don't think we would have even been able to pick a bus without it.

If you have never used an online forum, they are one of the simplest forms of the internet to use.

All you do is log in and discuss specific topics with other people who are interested.

I'm thinking about a forum because the idea of some type of group discussion and accountability keeps coming up as I talk to people about this challenge.

If a bunch of us are working on this together, wouldn't it be cool to be able to have a good space to discuss everything and share progress?

If we do that, I feel like it should be held away from Facebook. While a private group could work, it would be silly for me to join Facebook to work on regaining attention.

If we're going to build a group space, it needs to be somewhere that won't be collecting our data and using it to take more attention.

There are all sorts of tools out there that let you make fancy community apps and courses, but I'm not really interested in doing all that right now.

All I want is to be able to generate more community discussion.

I'd also like to be able to share some of the materials I've mentioned in a more organized format.

The tricky part is choosing between a format designed for real time communication (chat) or one that catalogs communication over time (forum).

There are a lot of good tools that do both, but they tend to focus on one over the other.

For example, Discourse focuses on forums but also offers chat.

Then Dicord focuses on chat but also has forums.

Talk about confusing!

These are two of the best options right now, and totally separate things for the record.

Discourse and Discord.

Anyone have any opinions?

I'd like to get this set up tomorrow.

If you have any thoughts at all, let me know.

I'm mainly looking for feedback from people who would enjoy having a group discussion as we work on all this together. If you think it would be fun to do something like this, what would you like it to be like.

Let me know!

Life is good.

Something I'm Reading Right Now:

Considerations for Fostering a Healthy & Active Online Community ยป Eleanor Konik
How questions, clear expectations, and thoughtful engagement with inexperienced but well-meaning users can lead to incredible communities.