
I think this was our first egg ever.

Let's talk about egg prices.

A lot of people are upset that eggs cost $5 a dozen.

I think people should be more upset that we're raising chickens in a way that allows eggs to usually cost $2 or less.

Cheap food is only cheap because we subsidize and externalize costs.

At the end of the day, we end up paying one way or another.

Right now those costs are just hidden.

(There is a reason our healthcare costs have gone way up even as food costs have gone way down.)

I imagine there is a way to look at cheap food through the lens of the 8 forms of capital as well.

We're bankrupting our living and spiritual capital in the name of cheap food.

I include spiritual capital here because I find it hard to square up confinement poultry operations (or any factory farming model) with my conception of what is true and good and right.

Before you wish eggs were under $3 again, I dare you to go do a search to see what it takes to make an egg that cheap.

There are a lot of local farmers out there willing to sell you a dozen eggs at a fair price.

Go buy some!

By the way, we have eggs for sale if you need them. We're happy to sell you a dozen whenever you need them.

I'll have some more details about food for this year soon. I haven't talked about it in a while, but we've got some exciting updates on the whole REKO ring / food coop front.

That's all for tonight.

I'd like to get back to publishing in the morning.

Life is good.